Tag Archives: history series

A little introduction/Thunderscuzzing/Writer’s Block/Half-Price History

Hello, lovelies. I am Ryon, and this is my blog.

I am a musician, writer and history fanatic. A word of warning before I continue:

I probably will not post every day, and I probably will not post every week. Or every month. However, if I do post every day of every week of every month, it will be a miracle and I will be eternally grateful for it.

Now, back to the post.

As I was saying, I love history, making music and writing. I am also a Mormon, so I will make references to my religion from time to time. This blog will be quite random, so some posts may not have any rhyme or reason.

I would like to establish a rule for myself – I will do my utmost not to complain about anything, even if someone/something makes me very angry or sad. I don’t want to depress anyone, including myself. If I do complain, I will do my best to put a positive spin on it.

So, onto my life.

As well as being a musician, I love to listen to music. I sometimes have two or three songs stuck in my head at the same time. So, I am a notorious “thunderscuzz” – a word that means that I skip songs like nobody’s business. I have no idea if that is an actual word, but I like it.

So, a song by the band Echosmith just came on with a rhythm section that reminds me of “High and Dry” by Radiohead, so I think I shall listen to that now.

Now that that is playing, I can again concentrate on blogging.

It seems as though writer’s block has set in for every kind of writing except for blogging/journalling. Writer’s block is a funny thing. My friend and I have this theory that when writer’s block comes in the middle of a story, it is the characters shaming the author for past wrongs.

I agree with this. I agree with this wholeheartedly.

I am currently in the middle of the second draft of my story Terra – draft one can be found on Wattpad if you’d like to see where I am trying to go, only with much more detail – and it is giving me trouble. I am in love with my main characters, but it just seems to be stalling because I’m never sure of how I want to connect plot points. On the bright side, it gives me time for other pursuits *cough* Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. *cough*. I really should do other things. Like read my history books which are becoming quite dusty over in their box.

How I got them is quite an interesting story.

I was browsing in the World History section of my local Half-Price Books when I decided to look up at the top of the shelf. There they were. Almost an entire set of history books from a series that I loved, some not even unwrapped yet. Alas, I only went to the bookstore with 20 dollars. There was no way that I could afford all of them. So, I went to the guy at the counter to see if he could cut me a deal on at least some of them. He told me to pick my favorites.

Cardinal Rule of history nerds: NEVER ask a history nerd to pick her favorite time period – it’s like asking a mother to choose her favorite child. Although I do have a favorite, but I already owned the book from that series that covered it.

So, I returned to him and said that I could not pick my favorites. I also informed him of my fiscal predicament and he ended up selling them to me for under twenty dollars.

This is why I love Half-Price Books. It’s like Christmas every time I go.

Well, lovelies. I think that’s enough for one day.

‘Til next time,

-Ryon xx

PS. It’s Bastille Day today. Does anyone care to storm a prison with me??